3M Public Water Provider Settlement Estimated Allocation Range Table*

A putative member of the Settlement Class may calculate a rough estimated allocation amount for each of its Impacted Water Sources (groundwater well or surface water system with PFAS contamination) by using the 3M Estimated Allocation Range Table below. This Table allows members of the Settlement Class to access such an estimate for any Impacted Water Source. The Table provides estimated ranges of allocated amounts based on the two factors most relevant to the calculation of the cost of PFAS treatment – flow rates and PFAS concentration levels – which are reflected in the Allocation Procedures as Adjusted Flow Rates1 and PFAS Scores.2

The 3M Estimated Allocation Range Table was derived from PFAS concentration data that was publicly available and gathered from public agencies, as well as on reasonable assumptions as to flow rates based on population (since flow rates are not publicly available). The data gathered for this Table is likely the most exhaustive collection of PFAS detection data that exists. But such information does not and cannot replicate the actual allocations that the Claims Administrator will calculate based on the flow rates and PFAS concentration levels reported on submitted Claims Forms. That information is proprietary information in the possession of the members of the Settlement Class, which Class Counsel cannot access.

Despite the tremendous amount of work that has taken place to provide the 3M Estimated Allocation Range Table, the ranges are necessarily based on data publicly available at the time of the Settlement, reasonable assumptions, and good faith estimates. The ranges presented in this Table are not the actual settlement awards that will be allocated to each Impacted Water Source because: certain data is not publicly available; the full extent of Impacted Water Sources is unknown; and the extent of participation in the settlement among putative members of the Settlement Class is unknown. Absent such information, Class Counsel cannot provide assurances that the actual settlement amounts will be at or even close to Class Counsel’s estimated allocation. Nonetheless, the estimated allocation amounts represent Class Counsel’s best effort to provide, in good faith, information to the Class based on publicly available information.

These ranges are for the Action Funds only and do not include Phase Two Baseline Testing Payments, the Special Needs Funds, the Supplemental Funds, the Litigation Bump or the Public Water Provider Bellwether Bump.

1 Adjusted Flow Rates are calculated by first averaging the three (3) highest annual flow rates from 2013-2022. This average is then averaged with the maximum flow rate of the of the Impacted Water Source.

2 The PFAS Score is the greater of either: the sum of the maximum levels for PFOA and for PFOS or the sum of the maximum levels of PFOA and PFOS averaged with the square root of the maximum level of any other single PFAS analyte.

For illustration purposes only; not reflective of actual allocation awards

*Each cell in the Table represents an estimated allocation PER IMPACTED WATER SOURCE (per groundwater well or surface water system). The Settlement Class consists of Public Water Systems, which may and often do have multiple wells or water sources, each of which would be calculated individually and added up to arrive at the total.

Estimated Flow Rates:

We estimate flow rates are approximately 1,500 GPM per 10,000 people served. This is an estimate and there may be variation due to many factors including industrial use of the water system. The actual flow rate is known by the water utility.

Flow Rate (gpm)
100 250 500 1,000 1,500 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 300,000
2 $36,240 $70,013 $115,244 $189,694 $253,898 $603,369 $993,106 $1,918,881 $3,157,910 $5,196,296 $11,436,561
4 $145,785 $281,723 $463,713 $763,253 $1,021,550 $2,427,216 $3,994,261 $7,714,149 $12,687,352 $20,855,641 $45,758,953
10 $148,252 $286,489 $471,559 $776,166 $1,038,832 $2,468,269 $4,061,800 $7,844,507 $12,901,569 $21,207,290 $46,527,259
50 $164,724 $318,320 $523,950 $862,394 $1,154,236 $2,742,397 $4,512,775 $8,714,863 $14,331,681 $23,554,481 $51,652,815
100 $185,313 $358,108 $589,437 $970,176 $1,298,484 $3,085,022 $5,076,399 $9,802,456 $16,118,368 $26,485,901 $58,047,466
250 $247,082 $477,467 $785,890 $1,293,499 $1,731,188 $4,112,663 $6,766,639 $13,062,886 $21,472,088 $35,263,074 $77,149,868
500 $350,027 $676,390 $1,113,285 $1,832,294 $2,452,225 $5,824,623 $9,581,606 $18,489,120 $30,373,873 $49,834,987 $108,717,963
750 $452,968 $875,299 $1,440,643 $2,370,993 $3,173,089 $7,535,613 $12,393,952 $23,905,608 $39,249,406 $64,336,461 $139,954,105
1000 $555,906 $1,074,195 $1,767,967 $2,909,596 $3,893,781 $9,245,635 $15,203,680 $29,312,376 $48,098,804 $78,768,005 $170,863,503

The ranges provided in the 3M Estimated Allocation Range Table are based on data publicly available at the time of the Settlement, reasonable assumptions, and good faith estimates. The ranges presented in this Table are not the actual settlement awards that will be allocated to each Impacted Water Source because: certain data is not publicly available; the full extent of Impacted Water Sources is unknown; and the extent of participation in the settlement among putative members of the Settlement Class is unknown.

DuPont Entities Public Water Provider Settlement Estimated Allocation Range Table*

A putative member of the Settlement Class may calculate a rough estimated allocation amount for each of its Impacted Water Sources (groundwater well or surface water system with PFAS contamination) by using the DuPont Entities Estimated Allocation Range Table. This Table allows members of the Settlement Class to access such an estimate for any Impacted Water Source. The Table provides estimated ranges of allocated amounts based on the two factors most relevant to the calculation of the cost of PFAS treatment – flow rates and PFAS concentration levels – which are reflected in the Allocation Procedures as Adjusted Flow Rates1 and PFAS Scores.2

The DuPont Entities Estimated Allocation Range Table was derived from PFAS concentration data that was publicly available and gathered from public agencies, as well as on reasonable assumptions as to flow rates based on population (since flow rates are not publicly available). The data gathered for this Table is likely the most exhaustive collection of PFAS detection data that exists. But such information does not and cannot replicate the actual allocations that the Claims Administrator will calculate based on the flow rates and PFAS concentration levels reported on submitted Claims Forms. That information is proprietary information in the possession of the members of the Settlement Class, which Class Counsel cannot access.

Despite the tremendous amount of work that has taken place to provide the DuPont Entities Estimated Allocation Range Table, the ranges are necessarily based on data publicly available at the time of the Settlement, reasonable assumptions, and good faith estimates. The ranges presented in this Table are not the actual settlement awards that will be allocated to each Impacted Water Source because: certain data is not publicly available; the full extent of Impacted Water Sources is unknown; and the extent of participation in the settlement among putative members of the Settlement Class Members is unknown. Absent such information, Class Counsel cannot provide assurances that the actual settlement amounts will be at or even close to Class Counsel’s estimated allocation. Nonetheless, the estimated allocation amounts represent Class Counsel’s best effort to provide, in good faith, information to the Class based on publicly available information.

These ranges are for the Action Funds only and do not include Phase Two Baseline Testing Payments, the Special Needs Funds, the Supplemental Funds, the Inactive Public Water System Payments, the Very Small Public Water System Payments, the Litigation Bump or the Public Water Provider Bellwether Bump.

1 Adjusted Flow Rates are calculated by first averaging the three (3) highest annual flow rates from 2013-2022. This average is then averaged with the maximum flow rate of the of the Impacted Water Source.

2 The PFAS Score is the greater of either: the sum of the maximum levels for PFOA and for PFOS or the sum of the maximum levels of PFOA and PFOS averaged with the square root of the maximum level of any other single PFAS analyte.

For illustration purposes only; not reflective of actual allocation awards

*Each cell in the Table represents an estimated allocation PER IMPACTED WATER SOURCE (per groundwater well or surface water system). The Settlement Class consists of Public Water Systems, which may and often do have multiple wells or water sources, each of which would be calculated individually and added up to arrive at the total.

Flow Rate (gpm)
100 250 500 1,000 1,500 5,000 10,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 300,000
2 $3,477 $6,718 $11,059 $18,203 $24,363 $57,898 $95,296 $184,131 $303,025 $498,624 $1,097,427
4 $13,985 $27,025 $44,483 $73,217 $97,995 $232,837 $383,160 $740,001 $1,217,072 $2,000,647 $4,389,631
10 $14,814 $27,483 $45,237 $74,458 $99,655 $236,782 $389,650 $752,527 $1,237,656 $2,034,438 $4,647,953
50 $15,802 $30,536 $50,263 $82,730 $110,726 $263,079 $432,912 $836,021 $1,374,849 $2,118,897 $4,955,178
100 $17,777 $34,353 $56,545 $93,069 $124,564 $295,947 $486,981 $940,355 $1,546,248 $2,540,826 $5,568,648
250 $23,703 $45,803 $75,391 $124,086 $166,073 $394,529 $649,126 $1,253,132 $2,059,840 $3,382,845 $7,401,258
500 $33,578 $64,886 $106,798 $175,772 $235,242 $558,758 $919,169 $1,773,678 $2,913,810 $4,780,785 $10,429,847
750 $43,453 $83,968 $138,201 $227,450 $304,395 $722,895 $1,188,960 $2,293,293 $3,765,268 $6,171,986 $13,426,677
1000 $53,328 $103,048 $169,601 $279,118 $373,532 $886,939 $1,458,501 $2,811,977 $4,614,226 $7,556,497 $16,392,242


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Cleangroundwater.com is operated and provided by Stag Liuzza, LLC responsible attorneys Michael G. Stag and Ashley M. Liuzza. Stag Liuzza, LLC is officed in New Orleans, LA, and our attorneys are licensed in Louisiana and Mississippi.

Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice, or to establish an attorney-client relationship with us unless and until a Contract for representation is signed. The attorneys of Stag Liuzza are licensed in Louisiana and Mississippi and may associate counsel licensed in other jurisdictions as necessary.

Past results do not guarantee any similar result or outcome in your claim. Each claim is different.

The best information about the settlement details and deadlines can be found in the court record concerning the settlement and relevant court orders.